To see pictures of my adventures in Malawi click here for part I, and here for my trip to the lake.

Saturday, September 18, 2010

September 10, 2010 (Fri) – 7:32pm (GMT +2)

Well I've been here for over two weeks now and I'm getting used to people driving on the wrong (left) side of the road. Yesterday I spent over 8 hours troubleshooting and getting viruses off of computers, by the time I went home I was feeling rather drained. I decided I felt like reading and took a look at the books that were in the house and found that there was a copy of The Da Vinci Code which I had been wanting to read. I started it at around 9 o'clock in the evening, fell asleep around 1am then finished it during this morning and early afternoon. The ending was a bit different than the movie and it a lot of interesting details that the movie had left out. I would be curious to see a detailed analysis of the book that sourced all the various “facts” put forth by the author.

On Wednesday I tried making lentils that we had a bag of but it turns out that trying to cook a bag of mixed lentils and rice to the correct degree is rather difficult. By the time everything was no longer crunchy there was a nice thick layer of burnt on the bottom of the pan. I tried to save it by putting in lots of spices but eventually I just gave up and threw out the whole thing. Today I made stew and put experimented with putting eggplant in which turned out to be a good deal more successful and quite good. Tuesday I went into town to do some visa stuff and work at BAH and got a fan which has been nice. The white noise has helped drown out all the loud people walking by my house at all hours of the night. But it doesn't do much to drown out the things that crash onto the tin roof of our house. I think there must be a tree that hangs over the house and drops things onto the roof, but I swear it only does it in the middle of the night.

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